Welcome to Caney Creek Cowboy Church
Grand Saline, Texas

We believe that the Bible is the Word of God, and every Word is flawless. God’s word is a lamp to our feet and light to our path, powerful and sharper than a two-edged sword. When God gave his word, these very passages of scripture He gave us everything we need for living and Godliness, over a period of 1500 years, in three languages and on three continents. God, the eternal creator of the universe unveiled himself to mankind and gave us everything we need to navigate the waters of life successfully. When we study the word of God it changes our lives and strengthens our faith. It is the standard on which we base our beliefs, attitudes and practices. Romans 10:17 tells us that Faith comes by Hearing; hearing the word of God which is the good news of Jesus Christ that saves the Lost and Grows the saved into spiritual maturity.

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  • 9:00 Sunday School
  • 10:00 Coffee & Donuts
  • 10:30 Service


  • 6:00 Potluck Dinner
  • 7:00 Children/Youth
  • 7:00 Bible Study